Grace Episcopal Church
Galena, Illinois
Welcome to our friendly community in a historic church on the hill.

We do not ask people to believe elaborate ideas about God or the Bible or Jesus before they can be counted as members....
you must simply do what the church does. The church gathers....
Act like Jesus. Do what he did. Be his hands and hearts right now, right here...
Lee and Davidson, Gathered for God

Our Beliefs

We believe:​
The Episcopal Church follows the “via media” or middle way in our theology and discussions because we believe that, whether or not we agree on a particular topic, we all are beloved by God and can have thoughtful and respectful discussions. There are no prerequisites in the Episcopal Church … everyone is welcome.
There are three cornerstones of our faith, which are, Scripture, Tradition and Reason.
Scripture is the word of God contained in the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible. The 39 books of the Old Testament contain the story of God’s love from the time of creation to the birth of His son, Jesus Christ. The books contain God’s laws as He gave them to the Hebrew people.
The New Testament contains Christ’s teachings, the accounts of His life as told by His followers and the beginning of His Church. Within an Episcopal worship service, Scripture is read in the lessons, the Gospel (the teachings of Jesus), the Psalms (poems from the Old Testament) and other prayers. Most of our worship service is taken directly from the Old and New Testament.
Tradition is the part of our living faith that spans 2000 years. It is the embodiment of our experience as Christians throughout the centuries. The heart of our tradition is expressed through the Bible, the Creeds (statements of faith, written in the first centuries of the Church’s existence), the Sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism, and the ordained ministry passed on by Christ to His Church.
Our tradition is expressed with many voices, among which are a variety of worship styles, languages, cultures, architecture and music. Our tradition encourages this diversity. We seek to value the life and story each person brings to the community of faith. As in a multi-textured tapestry, each person’s offering is woven into the life of the whole, making it stronger and more beautiful.
Reason is how we use tradition and Scripture in our lives. A personal relationship with God allows us to realize and celebrate our lives to the fullest. The gift of reason, as a complement to Scripture and tradition, leads us to seek answers to our own questions and to grow spiritually. Being active in a community of faith strengthens us to carry our faith into the world.
The Episcopal Church celebrates diversity of people and worship styles, yet all worship follows the form set out in the Book of Common Prayer. We are known for our engaging and beautiful worship services. The Book of Common Prayer is a collection of ancient and modern prayers and worship services for occasions when the community gathers and for individual use as well. It allows everyone to participate, reminding us that each person is an important part of the worship experience, whether the service is a celebration or a solemn occasion. It is a guidebook for daily Christian living. Two-thirds of the Book of Common Prayer comes directly from the Old and New Testaments. Common does not mean ordinary. These are the prayers we say together or “in common” when we worship as a community.
For those who have grown up Roman Catholic, the service, known as the Mass, Eucharist or Holy Communion, will be familiar. For those of reformed tradition or those with no religious tradition, we think you may find a spiritual home in a church that respects its tradition and maintains its sense of awe and wonder at the power and mystery of God. We honor tradition and strive to live by the example of Jesus Christ, welcoming the stranger and the outcast, helping our neighbors, and offering love and forgiveness.
The word “episcopal” refers to governance by bishops. The historic episcopate (bishops) continues the work of the first apostles in the Church: guarding the faith, unity, and discipline of the Church, and ordaining men and women to continue Christ’s ministry. An Episcopalian is a person who belongs to The Episcopal Church, which encompasses churches in the United States and 16 countries. These include: Taiwan, Micronesia, Honduras, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Churches in Europe, (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland). The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Episcopal Church has two million members in 7,500 congregations.
Historically, bishops oversee the Church in particular geographic areas, known as dioceses. In the worldwide Anglican Communion, the Archbishop of Canterbury occupies a special position by virtue of history and tradition, but he does not hold a governing position. Bishops from the Anglican Communion meet regularly for the Lambeth Conference in Canterbury. Collegiality among bishops is the substitute for authority, and communal discernment is the substitute for decision-making power.
Each bishop and diocese, operating through a local annual council, determine the character of life and work in that diocese within a set of general decisions made by a triennial General Convention of The Episcopal Church. These decisions are formalized as canons, or rules that govern. Each diocese elects and sends clergy and lay representatives to the General Convention. .(Adapted from http://www.epicenter.org/the-episcopal-faith/episcopal-faith/episcopal-beliefs/.)